Umpire Registration

Please fill out the form below to register as an umpire for Gold Country Girls Softball 2021 League Season. The Umpire-in-Chief will contact you about your qualifications, training, etc.

If you do not have a driver's license, type NO DL in Driver's License Name field. If you are 18 or older, please fill out this form as completely as possible for your background check.

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Required for registration with the league
Phone Number
Date of Birth
Open the calendar popup.
Driver's License Nam
Full Name, as appears on your Driver's License
Street, as appears on your driver's license or mail.
City, as appears on your driver's license or mail.
State Prefix, as appears on your driver's license or mail.
Zip Code
Zip Code, as appears on your driver's license or mail.
Driver's License #
If you have a driver's license, provide the license number.
DL State
State your driver's license was issued.
DL Expire Date
Open the calendar popup.
Date that your driver's license expires.

Required Fields