Coaches/Assistant Coaches

Updated October 2022.

Registration Policy

By registering to be a Coach, Assistant Coach, or Manager, you will not be charged a fee to participate.  By registering, you are agreeing to give your time and energy to teach players the fundamentals and sportsmanship of softball.  Background checks are paid for by the league so we ask that all volunteers are firm in their commitment.  Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Managers are required to be 18 years of age or older.  For each team, at least one manager must be present on the field for practice and in the dug out for games.

Registration Periods

All registration periods are the same as Player Registration.

Regular Registration

Coaches are an integral part of our success!  We ask that all potential Coaches/Assistant Coaches/Managers register by close of Regular Registration for our league.  Please register as a Volunteer and choose the option Coach or Assistant Coach.   

Team Type Age Groups



All those registered during this period will be considered for the requested positions but may be reassigned to fulfill the needs of the team (i.e. Coach -> Assistant Coach, Assistant Coach -> Manager, etc.).  If an age group does not have enough volunteers to fill needed positions, registration will be extended at the discretion of the league board. 

After the end of Regular Registration, we begin the background check process required by all adults who volunteer.  We want to complete this as quickly as possible so that qualified coaches and managers may arrange to start softball practices as soon as possible. 

Late Registration

We will accept Late Registration up to 3 weeks before the first official game of the season, at the discretion of the Head Coach of each team.  Our online registration may not be in use by this time and will require contacting the Registrar directly.  Be prepared to provide Full Name, Date of Birth, Address, Name on Driver’s License, Driver’s License Number, Driver’s License State, and Driver’s License Expiration Date.

Training and 'Picking Teams'

Picking teams has changed this year. Coaches will be informed when the meeting will take place very soon. League information will be distributed at that time as well. Ask any questions you need through our Contact Us form on this website.

Complete Concussion Training and present your certificate at the Coaches meeting.

SafeSport is now a requirement for ALL coaches just like a background check. The SafeSport Certification is FREE.

ACE IS NOT REQUIRED until All-Stars and that is just one per team.

You MUST complete the background check AND Safesport. And NOT ACE.

To complete SafeSport:

1. Click on the SafeSport tab from your Homeplate page.
2. Click on the link to “Start Now”
3. Follow the prompts on the *Independent* SafeSport website to either Register as a new SafeSport User or Sign in if you already have an account.
4. Follow the prompts to complete the Safesport Training

Please check back for more information.