Player Ages

We accept players starting from age 4.5 years old through 16 years of age.  The player's physical age as of August 31st is their playing age for the full season which begins September 1 though August 31 of the next year. Sometimes players age into qualification after registration ends but before league play begins.  If you think your player should be allowed to register, please Contact Us using the link above and specify Registration Questions. Those who would like to be considered for a higher division, please note it during registration.

Age RangeDivision Name

Personal Equipment

Each year, the league provides each player with a team shirt, a pair of team socks, and a matching visor. 

  • The player is responsible for pants, cleats, helmet, glove/mitt, and bat for games. 
  • It is highly recommended that a bag be purchased for the equipment. Other accessories can be worn at the discretion of parents (I.e. face guards, batting gloves, etc.)
  • Additionally, players are expected to wear weather/safety appropriate clothes for practice and be ready with their equipment.

Ask your team manager about equipment swaps.  Veteran players usually have old equipment to give to younger players.

Registration Policy (2025)

It is important to us that your registration process runs smoothly.  Please contact the league Registrar [] if you have issues at any time during the process. 

Please read the following carefully.

1      Registration Periods

Reference to Registration Periods correspond to the following dates.  At this time, the league only supports a Spring Season.

Registration Period



October 21 – December 31


January 1 - January 31


February 1 –  February15

1.1     Late Registration

·         All registration will close four (4) weeks before the first official league game.  This is to give us time to order team uniforms, equipment, etc. for the season. 

·         Exceptions will only be made for age groups who do not have enough players to form a team or through league board’s approval.

2      Player Registration

Please be sure your account information stays up-to-date.  You may be emailed or mailed information as needed.  You will not be able to register your player if you have an account balance greater than zero (0).  Please contact us if this occurs in error.

2.1     Payment Options

2.1.1    Credit Card

You may use our website to register and pay (in full) online during the Early, Regular, and Late registration periods.  

2.1.2     Financial/Hardship Assistance

Applications to significantly reduce registration costs must be made during the Early Registration period.   Apply early so that your application status may be given due consideration before registration deadlines.

Please follow these steps carefully.     First Step – Financial Assistance Application

You will be required to complete the GDRD Assistance Application in full with required documentation.  Once the GDRD has all the required information, assistance can be determined within 24-48 hours.  If you have qualified for your school’s free or reduced lunch program, it will greatly support your application. 

If you fully qualify for assistance, your registration cost will be as follows:

  •        First player: $50.00
  •        Second or more sibling player(s): $40.00 per player

You will be given the opportunity to pay the balance of your account by the close of the season (end of May).  

If you partially qualify for assistance, your registration cost will be as follows:

  •         First player: $70.00
  •         Second or more sibling player(s): $60.00 per player

You will be given the opportunity to pay the balance of your account by Opening Day.  Note: You will not be issued player uniform(s) if there is an unpaid balance on your account.

You (and we) will be notified of the results of your application. If you are satisfied with the results of your application, proceed to register during the next Walk-In registration.  If you plan to use the Payment by Installments option, you will be required to pay the minimum $50.00 to register your player(s). Do not use the online system to initiate your registration.  If you do, you will accrue fees.     Second Possible Step – Board Assistance Letter

If you need further financial support or do not qualify for financial support due to extenuating circumstances, you have the opportunity to ask for the Softball Board’s Assistance.  The board will be notified if you did/did not qualify for financial assistance.  You MUST apply through the Assistance application first before we will consider your letter.

  1.          Write a one-page letter to the board detailing your need for financial assistance this year.  It is up to you on how much detail you would like to convey in making your case – know that your letter will remain confidential.  We will accept supporting documentation (Copies Only) which will be returned to you after the board makes a decision.
  2.          Include two supporting letters of reference regarding your character.  No relatives please.
  3.          Please submit your letters/documentation in person at the next board meeting or (preferred) contact the President to meet for delivery.  Your submission is due February 1.  We will contact you regarding the board’s decision after the next board meeting.

If you are satisfied with the results, proceed to register during the next Walk-In registration with the required fees.

2.1.3    Cash/Check

“In-Person” or Walk-In registration is available each registration period.  Dates and locations will be posted on our league website.  Current accounts will be notified by email as well. 

You may pay by check or cash during our Walk-In registration dates ONLY.  You will be required to pay IN FULL at time of registration. Precise cash or check payments only.

You may also drop off your registration/payment at the monthly Softball board meetings.

Qualified Hardship applicants will have the option of paying installments with their registration.

2.2     Payment by Installments

You can use Team Sideline to make your payment in installments by credit card. You will be required to pay at least a minimum of $5.00 to begin registration.  The $5.00 processing fee is non-refundable.

You can continue to pay the balance in installments online during the season registration and/or during scheduled Walk-In Registrations.  You are expected to complete registration payments by end of late registration.  If you do not, your registration will be cancelled and the account balance (minus $5.00) will be mailed to you. 

2.3     Registration Cancellations

·         [Payment by Installments] If you do not pay your full registration by close of Late Registration, your registration will be cancelled and what payments you made will be 100% refunded to you, minus the $5.00 processing fee. 

·         You have until the end of Late Registration to cancel your registration to receive a 100% refund.

·         Cancellations after Late Registration closes but before scheduled games begin will be subject to $50.00 charge from your Registration amount to cover costs incurred for your player (insurance, team shirt, equipment, etc.).  The balance will be refunded to you.

·         No refund will be given if a player is removed after scheduled season games have started for the league.

·         If for some reason we do not have enough players to form a team, you will be contacted and your registration will be refunded 100%.

Team Assignments

Players will be assigned to teams shortly after close of late registration. Check your enrollment about one week after late registration to see the status of team assignments, etc. You have the option to move your player to another team (in the same or higher age group) before season games begin, with coach and league approval.


If you have any issues or concerns that you feel should addressed, please talk to your Head Coach first.  If you feel the issue or concern is still not resolved, use our Contact Us form on this website.  Someone from the board will contact you in 48 hours. 

Required Service/Volunteer Time

Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for contributing to four (4) hours of service during the season. Adult family and/or friends can contribute to completing the service hours.

Parent/guardians have the option to 'opt out' of the service requirement by paying a fee at registration. If the parent/guardian does not opt out, they will be required to provide a check to the league when picking up their player's uniform. The check will be kept and will be returned when the parent/guardian completes their service hours.  If the parent does not complete their service hours by the end of the season, the check will be deposited for league use.

This required service is to help offset the costs of field maintenance and providing a snack bar during game days.

Coaches/Team Managers/Board Members are exempt from this requirement since they donate their time to the league already.

Please check back for more information.